Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tiger Woods

I would like to address, briefly, the Tiger Woods scandal.

His business is his business; any reasoning he has for his actions are his own and not to open for anyone else to judge. Most people don't care.
However, the conversations in classrooms and over social networking sites paint a different picture: Woods is a 'pimp' and a 'stud' for having multiple sexual partners who were not his wife. Again, this is a minor point. People do what they want to do, usually without regard to the people it will affect. In this case, Woods obviously had no respect for his wife or their relationship, much less his image.
The important thing to note, here, is that Woods is being idolized for his actions by being seen as a player, a womanizer, a pimp, or a stud. Not only is this boosting his fame and therefore power, but his income as well. Young men see men in a position of power, adored for his fame and rich to boot, and his behavior is justified, thus making the action excusable for anyone. For young girls, it reinforces the idea of a male dominated society in which, if a man cheats on his wife, he becomes more famous; whereas if a women in the media's eye cheats on her husband, she is scorned as a slut and destroyer of the nuclear family. A man in this position profits from the publicity, whereas a woman's career could end.

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